Good Timing and God Timing

For many months I have had the same verse as the wallpaper on my phone. It used to be a reminder of the Lord’s promises every time I picked my phone up. Then, after a while, it became something I looked past and did not think of often. Lately, it has been standing out to me again and presenting itself in my mind in many ways. The verse is Isaiah 60:22:

“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

In context, this verse is God telling of the future glory of Israel (thank you, Bible headers). Of course this verse was an encouragement of days to come for a specific group of people, but, as believers, we can stand firm in trusting that God stays the same always and the same promises He made then, can be the same expectations we have of Him today. Let me explain how this verse stood out to me recently and how I am praying it can be an encouragement to you.

I was walking around the mall with a new roommate/friend and, as friends do, we started talking about different things that would come to mind as we shopped. We got on the topic of our parents. If you know me, you know that is easy for me to do because I love my mom so much and miss her so much. I shared with my new friend that my mom got pregnant with me on the honeymoon. Initially, my mom never wanted to have children (she did not think she would be a good mom, but, obviously, that was not true), but she especially did not want or plan to have any as soon as she married my dad. They have always called me their, “wedding gift from God.”

Then, somehow, in the middle of the mall, God used this conversation to point my attention to His design of knowing all things at all times. As I shared this with my friend, I could not help but think of how amazing God is. Because he already knows when we will draw our last breath before we ever take our first one, He knew from the beginning when my mom would pass from here and be with Him forever. With that knowledge, He allowed my parents to have their, “wedding gift from Him,” which turned out to be amazing timing because of the age I was when my mom passed. Now don’t get me wrong, loss is hard at any age, but praise God I lost my mom when I was 24 and not 14, or 16, or 18, or even 20. God knew the perfect timing of my conception because He already knew my mom’s last day and what my future would hold (and still has to hold).

As I reflect back on the verse that is so often used as an encouragement for people waiting for something big or good to happen to them, I can not help but look back at my life and see God’s provision and blessing in His timing, even in the painful situations, such as losing my mom. Often in life, we get so caught up in what we think should or could be good timing, but the reality is that the best timing is God’s timing. As we look forward into a new week of choosing and chasing joy, I hope this verse can be an encouragement to you to reflect and look for God’s hand in your past. If it is not surrounding your grief, certainly there is another instance He has already proven Himself faithful. If you can not think of any and you need to hear another one from me, please do not hesitate to reach out! I have plenty to share. :)

Lastly, in addition to seeking out the goodness we have already experienced, let us see this verse as an encouragement to us in whatever other situations we find or are already finding ourselves in. In the areas we feel unseen, overlooked, desperate, and impatient, let us find encouragement in the promise that, in the right time, God will make it happen. We do not always get to decide what or when, but we get to enjoy the provision of the One that cares what is best for us and desires to give us nothing less, despite the momentary pain we might have to endure. The next time we are looking forward in hopes of good timing, let us look back and remind ourselves of God timing.


Let Us Just Do It.


Trials and Triumph