Let Us Just Do It.
author: Hope Breedlove at Joy In The Mourning Ministries
I think God has been convicting me lately to be more bold when it comes to listening to His Spirit. Often times, I find myself wondering if reaching out to a person would seem weird or out of place. Sometimes it is as simple as telling someone they could reach out any time if they need to and making sure they know I mean it. I think I am afraid to do this because of my own insecurities. What if I do it too much and they think I am being pushy?
The funny thing is, if it is from God, I find that I can not stop thinking about it until I do it. It might feel weird at first to do it and offer whatever it is God is asking me to say, but it is always worth it after getting over myself and doing it.
Looking at Jesus’ character, He was not afraid to serve others. We should follow the same vein when we know it is from the Holy Spirit. If you feel God has put it on your heart to reach out or do something for someone, then do not hesitate. Maybe there is a desire for others to reach out to you. Is God asking you to make the first move? Is He asking you to take initiative and reach out for a need of a void being filled that you are experiencing? The answer is not always yes, but it can be and I am learning to be more careful not to assume that God is calling me to stay comfortable.
Jesus says in Matthew 20:28, "…just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
I take away from this verse that we are supposed to serve others as Christains when the need arises. Christ loves us so much that He gave His life for many so we can be free. This means we also need to show Christian love to others, even when we have needs of our own. Let us find joy this week in giving love as we wait expectantly on receiving it in the ways God sees fit. When we feel the nudge to say or do something, let us not be timid in our doubts and insecurities. Instead, let us just do it.